Through MiCo's CVIR-SiC surface treatment, oxidation resistance and surface stabilization of graphite and C/C products can be implemented. After SiC surface treatment, there is no dimensional deformation, and the surface defects, pinholes, cracks, and carbon fiber exposure in graphite and C/C products are eliminated, effectively controlling outgassing and particle generation.
The maximum usable temperature is A-RS = 1600°C and RS = 1400°C. In some cases, Multi-Layer coatings are possible, and the adhesion of the coating is improved.
Coating Property
MiCo RS SiC CVIR : SEM images
- · 내산화 향상 및 카본 표면 안정화
- · 표면 처리 후 치수 안정성 우수
- · Out-gas 및 이물 개선
- · 순도 향상 및 이상 반응 방지
- · 고객사 사용 환경에 따른 다양한 멀티 코팅 적용 가능